Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and psychiatry
What is Hypnosis?, An article by Dr. Sunnen--one of several by a number of authors, included in a compilation entitled "Medical hypnosis: An Introduction and Clinical Guide," published in the Medical Guides to Complementary and Alternative Medicine
"A Primer of Clinical Hypnosis" DeBetz B, Sunnen G, PSG Publishing Company, Inc., Littleton, MA, 1985
In "A Primer of Clinical Hypnosis," Drs. DeBetz and Sunnen show how hypnotherapy is increasingly integrated in the field of general medicine, in and out of hospital settings, and in psychiatry. A unique feature of the book allows the reader to note the different styles these two authors have in their approach to hypnosis. This serves to illustrate the fact that hypnotherapists evolve in synchrony with their own creative callings. Essential historical developments, current concepts, fundamental phenomena observed in hypnosis, and basic induction techniques are described in this book. Therapeutic applications are described as they relate to issues of patient care: anxiety control, pain abatement, healing and convalescence. The art of integrating hypnotherapy into psychotherapy for increasing the efficiency of symptom resolution is described in the chapter: "Hypnosis in Psychotherapy." The future of specialized hypnotic and meditative approaches to patient care is highly promising. This book serves as a primer to therapists dedicated to exploring that road.Interview with Gérard V. Sunnen, M.D., by Advances: Journal of the Institute for the Advancement of Health
Hypnosis and self hypnosis in mastering medical procedures and operations
The Sunnen Trance Scale for Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, and Meditation
Tummo meditation versus Autogenic Training: Visceral nervous system self-regulation, East and West, and implications for integrative psychotherapy
The Neurology of Meditation: Implications for Meditation Therapies
So you want to get better faster? Pairing therapies for accelerating progress
Experiencing “Pure Consciousness,” A catalyst in psychotherapy?
The Neurology of Sleep Quality Enhancement Via Tactile Entrainment Technology
Meditation Styles for Our Modern Times Part I: Health Through the Gates of Breath
Ozone in medicine
OZONE ENTERS ITS AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: Ozone therapies today, and tomorrow.
This paper was presented at the AEPROMO international congress, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain, “New Horizons for Ozone Therapies,” June 5-6, 2009.Emergency, Adjunctive, and Preventive Oxygen/Ozone Gas Application in External Pathogenic Conditions
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