Training for public speaking

Preparing for auditions and performances

Actualizing creative potential

Enhancing test and exam performance

Optimizing mental focus for athletes, expressive artists and other professionals


Mental images, especially ones that recruit the transformative force of emotions, can be applied to the pursuit of high performance. Skills useful in all walks of life may thus be honed and expanded. 



Public speaking, for example, is increasingly important to many professions. Emotional imagery can gradually transform the tension commonly paired with facing audiences to confidence and dynamic speech delivery. Similarly, actors can more fluidly access and convey characters’ emotions, learning to flow into mind/body "zones" that provide fluidity and intensity to their art.


In tandem, psychological impediments derived from past adversities and traumas, often long repressed, and seemingly invincible barriers commonly referred to as “blocks” can be dissolved. Procrastination, the hallmark of such blockages, loosens, allowing a freer stream of productivity.

Examinations, written and oral, require calmness, clarity, energy, sharpened memory, focus, concentration, intuition, stamina and more. Pre-exam anxiety can be transformed into focused studying, while animating motivation. 


Relevant to artists and writers, these approaches provide access to personal creative flow often associated with dream states, opening doors to the vast knowledge base residing beyond usual awareness.


Physical performance – especially if competitive - demands ultimate mind-body entente. Indeed, athletes, dancers, musicians need sharp neuromuscular coordination, speed, precision and endurance.


In conclusion, increasingly appreciated are the still under-estimated capacities of the mind to engage any and all dimensions of human endeavor. Inexorably, the realization that body and mind work as an ensemble in synergy is allowing the fusion of many innovative concepts and practices that bring the body and the spirit to higher levels.